Friday, December 6, 2019


Aug 25 Navicat Premium Windows version Fixed access violation issue during backup process. Zero decimal place digits were not displayed in Table Viewer. Unknown Internal Error occurred when there was multiple statements in Query. Unknown Internal Error occurred when typing in Query Editor. navicat for mysql 8.0.29

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Error occurred when connecting to MariaDB in some cases.

Navicat MySQL 8.0.29 can’t connect to ntunnel_mysql.php Connection

Access violation error occurred when entering SQL in Query. Syntax error occurred when performing data transfer in some cases. This release contains several minor enhancements and bug fixes for PremiumSoft Navicat. Searching in Table Viewer would freeze when no record showed on the existing view. Error occurred when synchronizing structure in some cases. Support inputting tabs in the editor of Table Designer. This release will support to configure Foreign Keys and contains many enhancements and refinements to other features.

More shortcut keys are supported. Compared table comments in Structure Synchronization. Empty named relation was unable to load back in Data Modeling Tool. Support of exporting Excel file.

navicat for mysql 8.0.29

Unable to create new table with primary key settings in Import Wizard. Failed to move procedures to a virtual group. Sep 18 Navicat Premium Windows version Feb 13 Navicat Premium Windows version Process priority - loading table can be faster if priority is set to High.

navicat for mysql 8.0.29

Furthermore, it now supports MySQL 5. Jun 28 Navicat Premium Windows version Access Violation error occurred when designing MariaDB tables with foreign keys. Fixed timeout problem during the Backup run in Command Line. View Builder locked up when re-open for editing in some cases.

Navicat for MySQL

New powerful data management tools: To upgrade, please visit our Customer Center. Number values were exported as text in Excel files. The size of the width in Run Result columns were too large in Stored Procedure form.

Unable to re-send Navicat Cloud verification email. The Object list could not display properly in Navicat main window. Individual database objects backup. Crashed when creating a new virtual group in mysal installed Navicat.

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Provides a short-cut to terminate a running query. Unable to create a query inside a group. Unable to show all PostgreSQL tables. Crashed when creating Navicat Cloud account.

Some options were wrongly displayed in Essentials Edition.

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