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Ashwin Shenoy Certified Buyer Dec, Understanding the Logic of Consumer India Rama Bijapurkar Penguin Books India , - Consumers - pages 1 Review Taking cues from economics, demography, history, culture, philosophy and good old common sense, Rama Bijapurkar makes sense of the complex and inscrutable Indian market-the many Consumer Indias, their diverse and schizophrenic consumer behaviour and the way to make your company's fortune in this billion-plus market. Jun 02, Ankur Sharma rated it it was amazing. She describes her mission as bringing "market focus to business strategy". Other editions - View all We are like that only: Sep 02, Surya Ravi rated it liked it. we are like that only rama bijapurkar

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Taking cues from economics, demography, history, culture, philosophy and good old common sense, Rama Bijapurkar makes sense of the complex and inscrutable Indian market-the many Consumer Indias, their diverse and schizophrenic consumer behaviour and the way to make your company's fortune in this billion-plus market.

We are Like that Only: Understanding the Logic of Consumer India - Rama Bijapurkar - Google Books

If you are an aspiring marketer, consultant, analyst or an senior executive. Aug 07, Shreya rated it it was ok. Very good, data driven analysis of the indian market. Perfect book to understand the Indian market. Ibjapurkar be used as a casual read but not a lot of takeaways in my opinion. Some very interesting ideas - automatic vegetable vending machines being one of them.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book, with enough data for evidence and with her own anecdotes, she makes it an interesting read.

We are like that only

And that to me is the stuff rqma one should read this book for. But was expecting it to be great, given her experience and the data she had access to. I was struck by how often the author puts herself in the position of imperial agent, on the one hand directing the overlords precisely how to invest, divide, and conquer, and on the other hand teaching them about t How to break into the Indian market.

It is the IT powerhouse of the world, the harbinger of the offshore services revolution that is changing the business paradigms of the developed world. Strategies applied in US, UK, China, Pakistan or any other country will not at all work in India and all these strategies is to be made from the start to win the consumer India.

Certified BuyerBengaluru.

We are like that only Quotes

And all this is backed by bijaourkar data analysis as well as rich anecdotal evidence. May 21, Karan Khatri rated it really liked it. Mar 07, Pooja rated it liked it. Feels like the writer is selling Indian market at every point.

A lot of research and numbers to back up the claims. Quite an insight into Indian market supported with factual data. Want to Read Currently Reading Read.

we are like that only rama bijapurkar

No eBook available Amazon. Prahalad, author of The Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid.

What works outside India may not work here. With the same goal, she works with leading Indian and global companies to provide guidance for developing their business market-strategies. Be the first to ask a question about We are like that only.

You need to spend time with the graphs to relate to the story being narrated.

we are like that only rama bijapurkar

We are like that only: Apr 26, Deccancoffee rated it really liked it. Penguin Books India- Consumers - pages. Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Return to Book Page. This market goes against the conventional perceptions bijapurkaf an emerging market. A very insightful book on India as an economy. India is a significant exporter of intellectual capital to the rest of the world—that capital being spawned in a handful of world class institutions of engineering, science and management.

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